Thursday, May 2, 2013

Playing It By Ear

I know that there hasn’t been an entry on this blog for quite some time, and that’s not to say that there has been a lack of things to write about. There have been many things to write about and reflect upon in the last few months. There has been training for and completing the Canyonlands Half Marathon in Moab, Utah. I’m also working towards becoming a field active member of Alpine Rescue Team in Evergreen. The job, the life, everything! Why the delay in writing? I’m not so sure I can explain it.

About a month ago, I underwent a surgery to repair problems with my inner ear. The surgery itself was a piece of cake as far as I know. They removed a cyst, and made me a new ear drum. I just thought the biggest deal would be going in and getting my IV installed, and I’d wake up and it’d be all over. It was true. I did wake up. Job done. Let the anesthesia wear off and it’d be back to normal life.

I must write that the last month or so has been one of the most difficult recoveries, mentally. I’ve been in great hands with Amanda! Everything was great from that standpoint.

My doc said the key is to do as much as you can during the recovery, and try to regain sense of balance. By sitting and passive, mind and body won’t learn to work together, and so she encouraged activity. At first, the focus was on walking a straight line. It’s really strange, like being at happy hour 24-hours a day! Thought that hiking would help, especially practicing on the uneven terrain. Then I added some running to the mix. One block to start, and trying to build on that every day. Before I knew it, I ran 1, then 2, and finally 4.5 miles at home in New Hampshire! After so many weeks of not doing much exercising, it felt great to finally breathe hard and sweat!

On Monday, with one week to go before my overnight mock mission, the culmination of months of training for a spot on the Alpine Rescue Team, some funny things started happening. My ears started to ring so loud. After nearly a week, the ringing is there all of the time and sounds like a fire alarm. My hearing test revealed mid 70% hearing loss in the left. Dizziness returned and with vengeance. My steps cross sometimes, weaving on the sidewalk. Yesterday, walking to the train, I became so light headed, and sweating profusely, and felt nauseated. Once on the train, it was all I could do to make it to the next stop. Once off the train, I stripped off my wool overcoat in the middle of the May snow storm, and sat outside and let the freezing temps cool me off. What the hell is happening?

I talked to my doctor again, and she believes it is a perilymph fistula. Basically, fluid draining into the balance mechanism in my inner ear. The only way to fix it is by doing nothing. No activity other than going to work.

I’m not sure how long I will be able to sit still-this is going to be a prison of sorts.  We'll just play it by I'm sick of hearing and saying that!  

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I am sorry to hear this.. we are getting old you know and just dont recover the way we used to. Keep on trucking and know that you have all of us here to help where we can.
