Thursday, June 13, 2013

Kelso Ridge Preview

Slowly but surely back into the swing of things over here.  The weeks of being cooped up seem to be over.  Before vacation, I decided to have a second opinion done on my left ear.  I met with a doctor who did a record review of my past treatments and did his own audiogram and synopsis.  The conclusion he reached was not a good one, but in a sense it was.

His findings were kind of in line with what I was thinking.  I felt there was a good chance the hearing wasn't there.  All that could be felt in there is a loud, constant ringing.  He told me that the hearing in the left is permanently gone, nerve included.  He says the cyst was so large it had eroded all of the tiny ear bones used to transfer sounds from the inner ear and connect them with the nerve that makes sense of them.  This cyst had also affected the balance mechanism inside.  He says the balance will return, the hearing will not.  It's what he called a dead ear.

I was initially blown away by all of this.  The finality of it all just was a lot to think about, and it made me anxious.  After thinking about it though, I came to the realization that my hearing has been deteriorating anyway, and at least can get back to doing activities!  Actually, I got pretty pumped to be back to more activity!

Hearing this news was the first hour of a week long vacation.  Luckily, we had a ton of driving ahead of us to New Mexico for a few days, and then on to Scottsdale for Doverload 2K13 family gathering!  It was the best vacation ever.  We celebrated my grandmother's 88th birthday, hung out at the pool, did some hiking, visited, ate a lot, and had a blast.  It was great to be with my family!  I laughed so much, and it was the perfect way to let go of a lot of stress.

Looking forward, next weekend the team will be hosting a team training on the Kelso Ridge up off of the summit of Torreys Peak.  This is a route I have been pining to try, but was a little leery because the majority of it is a Class 3 scramble, culminating with an exposed ridge right around 14,000'.  I'm excited to be doing this with a bunch of people, and curious to see how my ear reacts up high.

This weekend will be spent just trying to condition more ahead of the hike, and most likely a busy weekend.

A view of a climber about to cross the knife edge on Torreys

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