Monday, May 7, 2012

Makin' Change

I'm not talking about the meatballs the Red Sox pitching staff has been giving up this season, rather life scheduling changes.  For the last year or so, my schedule seemed to change every week.  Getting in a workout or an activity depended on the weekly schedule which came out every Thursday.  If you are a planner, or like to plan, this lifestyle might cause you to pull your hair out!  Luckily, my schedule will be changing starting on Friday, and I will be a 9-5er, a weekend warrior if you will.  Saturdays and Sundays OFF!  One thing I'm pretty excited about is the chance to plan out a new fitness schedule.  This time around, I'd like to go cardio heavy and focus on intervals.

Amanda and I did the Take 5 in the Park 5 mile road race over the weekend in Colorado Springs, which was probably the most scenic run we have EVER done.  Breathtaking.  Literally.  One of the hills in the middle of the course was pretty long and I think it could have been handled better if I had done more interval and cardio beforehand.

At work, they offered a free trial membership at the Colorado Athletic Club for a month, and a bunch of the guys in my department took advantage.  It's good to have people there to keep the motivation strong at all times in the weight room and outside on runs or hikes.  Here is the proposed schedule:

Monday:  Insanity warmup, upper front workout
Tuesday:  3mi run outdoors, pace interval every .25 mile
Wednesday:  Rowing machine warmup, shoulder/back exercises
Thursday: 4mi run outdoors
Friday:  Insanity warmup, upper front workout, jump rope
Saturday:  Cross Train/OFF
Sunday:  Cross Train/OFF

The weekends will now be maximized outdoors, and cross training will include anything from bike rides to yoga, to hiking to long runs, to whatever the day calls for!  I'd like to leave open flexibility on the off days for recovery and the outdoors:)


  1. So excited for same schedule! Like the cardio/weight emphasis! Summer will be perfect for cross training too!!

  2. Yeah for weekends off!! Yoga? Please keep me updated on that!
