Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mental Momentum

Having a goal is great.  Not only does it provide you with motivation, it provides you with momentum.

For example, if I say to myself Hey I'd like to do a 5k this month.  Most likely, I would train for a 5k, and run a set amount of miles per week, watch my diet, watch my partying, and most likely would achieve my goal of running that 5k.

An unintended result of working towards that goal is the momentum gained along the way.  Looking back at the end of the month, I probably partied less, ate better, ran more, and proved to myself that the goal is attainable.  I have gained momentum.  The physical and mental momentum gained along the way encourages us to set the bar higher the next time around.

That said, putting your goals in writing is that much more effective.  Everyone sees them.  Everyone knows you have stated what your personal challenges are for the year.  More importantly, you see them. Every damn day! Here are my goals for 2012, in writing, for the four of us to see:

  • Bolder Boulder 10k sub 50:00
  • Tough Mudder Race
  • Pikes Peak, Long's Peak, Mt. Lincoln, Mt. Democrat, Blanca Peak

1 comment:

  1. Love your writing and your perspective :-)

    Goals look great! Hope I can join you in the Boulder Boulder, some of the 14ers, and cheer you on at the Tough Mudder!
