Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This Time of Year

Wow, it has been over a month since posting on this blog?  Unacceptable.  Lack of posts does not indicate lack of activity, let me assure you!  The last month has been filled with packing, moving, unpacking, setting up, re-arranging, sometimes re-packing, putting away, reorganizing and then enjoying!  At various times in the last month, my computer has been in different places nearly everyday, so keeping track of it has been somewhat of a challenge, and sitting down to write has been even harder.

Alas, through all of the events of the last month, there was time to enjoy an unseasonably warm March.

This is the time of year when the street festivals start up.  This is the time of year when Colorado Rockies baseball (all of MLB, actually) kicks off.  This is the time of year when we dust off our flip flops.  This is the time of year when we get an extra hour at the end of the day.  This is the time of year when patios all over town are filled with day-diners and day-drinkers alike.  This is the time of year when they put in the gardens at Washington Park, and a random Monday at the park sees so much activity, you would think it was the 4th of July.  This is the time of year when B-Cycle stations restock, and you see people riding them all over town.  This is the time of year your neighborhood starts smelling like a BBQ pit every evening.  This is the time of year you see a lot of pale legs.

This time of year is typically a tough one for hikers here in Colorado.  We have usually spent the majority of the winter identifying trips and routes that are 'must do's' in the summer.  Once this weather hits, we let out a collective "Hallelujah!".  But we have to wait...April comes....Wait more. Much like William Wallace in Braveheart, with the enemy charging, telling his countrymen : "HOLD!.....HOOOOLD!!...HOOOOOLLLLD!"  We have to temper our excitement. Usually until May, when conditions in the upper elevations relent, and allow those of us who are not avy saavy or equipped.  It is not springtime in the mountains!
Hold Hikers, Hold!
 To pass the time though, we have the front range hikes at our disposal to train, and develop our legs.

Check out hikes in the front range in Apex Park, Lookout Mount, Mt. Galbraith, Boulder...I've hear whispers of the 'Incline' down in CO Springs too, which gives hikers 1000' of gain in 0.90 miles.  Focus on your quads and calves for another month, and prepare to let them loose on the big boys!

1 comment:

  1. Love your writing and your perspective!
    Keep writing :-) And help me with mine :-)
