Like the gym everyday? Nah, me either. Is today a chest day or a bicep day? Oh crap, it's neither, its a cardio day. Hey that person was here yesterday. The gym smells like it does everyday. That attendant always asks to see my membership card. Ugh, my playlist is getting old too.
I think what had discouraged me from being fit in the past is how mundane it can tend to get. I worked out just to be able to make it through my workout. I've learned about myself that to stay motivated, I need variety, and smaller goals.
This year, I'll be training for the CPAT, Tough Mudder, Bolder Boulder, and hiking. They all require different things from my body, and thus different conditioning. Can you imagine a training schedule that limits you to 30 minutes of cardio 3 times of week, chest/tricep exercises twice per week, and shoulders back and biceps twice per week? Blaaaaaaahhhhhh....zzzZzzzz...
CPAT: Mainly requires upper body strength and excellent cardio as it is a test that asks you to meet certain objectives in under 10 minutes. BUilding muscle mass has been the objective for training for this.
BOLDER BOULDER: Once the CPAT is done, training focus is shifted to the 10k race, which will require me to shed all of the muscle mass I had been putting on and return to a leaner version in the matter of a month and a half.
TOUGH MUDDER: After Bolder Boulder, hopefully the endurance will be in place, and the goal will be to put on a little more muscle mass in a month to prepare for the demands of a race 10 miles long which includes an elevation gain of 4000', and various obstacles set throughout the course.
HIKING: Hopefully all of this will come together and put me in a good place conditioning wise to accomplish the hiking goals set forth for the year. It's kind of my final exam I guess!
Bottom line, don't train to get through your workout at Planet Fitness. Train for a few different things throughout the year, and force your workout to adapt. Mind, Body and Soul will appreciate the variety!